
    Hi Scotlandx,

    Thanks for the reference to s36 of the SSMA regarding pmts made to SC members. I also found s46 applies.

    I have a related question: at the last few AGMs we passed a resolution that there are “No matter shall be a restricted matter that can only be decided at a General Meeting”. Does that include pmts made to SC members (which as mentioned, were made without informing the OC, without agendas and minutes being sent to OC members listing the pmts and confirming the SC’s approval of them, for what looks like self education purposes, “strata education”).

    If the “No restricted matter” AGM (passed) motion does not invalidate s.46 then I suppose my next step is to ask the managing agent for details of the pmts and a copy of the minutes approving pmts. After all, the agent can only pay a SC member on presentation of minutes, right?

    If the “No restricted matter” motion invalidates s.46 then how do you suggest I challenge the “strata education subscription” pmt that the SC member billed the OC for.

    Thanks again.