
    Good evening,

    Thank you Jimmy and Scotlandx for your wise counsel. As I understand it, payment to SC members for work they claim to have performed and what smells like dubious education expenses, can only be approved after the event at a general meeting of the OC. So a SC meeting (even if it was held, which to my knowledge never took place) does not have the power to pay the SC member, let alone an email from one SC member to the agent (in the absence of an SC meeting) instructing the latter to pony up the dosh.

    I will chew your posts of today (18/02/21) over the weekend and email the agent as you suggest. I am tempted to also follow Kaindub’s advice of asking the agent for copies of emails relating to these payments, given Minutes of meetings – which are irrelevant in any case as Scotlandx argues –  are unlikely to exist given no meetings took place.

    In the first instance I will seek a copy of invoices tendered to the agent and a breakdown of those invoices.