Strata Answers

    Hi Ziggy,

    Common property on a balcony works like common property within your unit i.e the external glass, the balustrade and the walls are common property: you own the paint…. although with balconies there may be restrictions on your painting due to  “Appearance” by-laws. Anything within the lot that does not service other lots is lot owner property.

    The light fitting would be your responsibility as it is both within your lot and services only your lot. ( even light fittings recessed into false ceilings are the responsibility of the lot owner ). Before you  replace it, consider whether “Appearance” by-laws mandate a particular type of fitting – best to replicate the original.

    Replacement of the balustrade is the responsibility of the OC but only if the OC has reason to replace it – i.e. only if there is a requirement to retrofit to the current BCA standard. In most cases you will find that the obligation to retrofit to the Current standard only arises when major external work is being done.

    I hope this helps

    John Hutchinson –  Strata Answers Pty Ltd – www.strataanswers.com.au