
    Jimmy, thank you for your prompt feedback.

    I considered your response, did some more reading on the matter and spun a yarn with NSWFT.

    Notwithstanding the agent did say at the 11/2020 AGM that I would receive any and all information whenever I wanted, at no charge to me whatsoever, his reply to my email makes clear that he is able to supply me with the information I seek, but will charge me.

    I replied that if his charge exceeds $31, then not to bother answering my questions. Instead, I will seek access to all of the OC’s records by way of an inspection, pursuant to s.183 where the fee is $31 for the first hour. Of course if material that should be in his possession is unavailable to me, that would be a breach of the Act. (Note a few years ago, with another managing agent, but at this same strata plan, with the same SC in place, my inspection of records at the agent’s office was hampered by the inexplicable unavailability of bank statements).
    Coming back to what your suggestion of asking for a General Meeting of the owners – which if unsuccessful, will point the way to apply to NCAT to have the culprits removed – I will ask for such a meeting after I have inspected the records.