
    I can’t see how a subscription to YourStrata Property is enriching himself.  It’s a legitimate web resource run by a highly qualified and experienced strata lawyer.  Why would he need it for anything else than to better understand the workings of the strata committee on which he serves?  And why would it be somehow inappropriate for them to advise him that he could claim the expense, even as an honorarium.

    As for the travel expenses, these are very small potatoes and may well be completely legitimate.  This sounds like poor reporting of expenses, at worst.  I don’t see anything terribly wrong here, apart from that.

    My dismay at the initial report was that it suggested there was no actual training or education taking place.  But why else would he subscribe to Yourstrataproperty.com?  It’s not an entertainment website.


    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.