
    Jimmy I don’t dispute that the site in question is legitimate.

    I dispute that this strata plan receives a scintilla of benefit from this expense which was paid for by the OC. Of course I can’t speak for other strata plans Mr Secretary may be involved with.

    The facts are:

    1. s. 46 of the SSMA (as Scotlandx indicated) requires payment to a SC member be approved retrospectively by the OC.

    s.46 Payment of officers of owners corporation
    An owners corporation may pay to a person who is an officer of the owners corporation or another member of the strata committee of the owners corporation an amount determined by the owners corporation at an annual general meeting in recognition of services performed by the person for the owners corporation in the period since the last annual general meeting.

    This failed to occur.

    One does not need a Winston Terracini or a Chris Murphy to argue that paying a person’s subscription is synonymous with paying him directly and that payment without the OC’s approval – let alone discussion – is a breach.

    2. Mr Secretary has no practical role at this agent-managed strata. The agent was delegated all the functions of the SC. The SC don’t accept emails and at the last AGM they RESOLVED that they do not to have to respond to emails (and they listed their subjective reasons for that).

    The SC are so uninvolved that they don’t even hold meetings where they could share the wisdom he gleans from the subscription. That’s not entirely true, they do hold a single 5 min SC meeting: being the one tagged on to the AGM, where he and another vote himself as Sec/Tsr while the other member is voted in as Chairman; and

    3. As to his alleged 62 visits to the strata plan to make repairs (again without quotes and without reports as to what, why and how), I will see if the portal I was offered to look into has documents that can shed light on these alleged visits and associated spending.


    Regarding inspection of records, if the portal I was given access to again malfunctions, as it did today, am I within my rights to insist on access to the original documents: invoices, emails, contracts etc in the agent’s possession?

    Thanks again.