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Hi Kaindub,
Thanks for yr insight. I may have been unclear.
At the AGM that from memory immediately followed my objection to Mr Secretary’s move to allow one lot owner to have two representatives on the OC, with a vote each, Mr Secretary/Tsr made clear to the OC that he would not sit on the SC if I am voted on. He convinced two seniors in the block of five that they would be “fortunate to have him with his experience as a solicitor on the SC”. The inference being it’s him or it’s me. Not both. Never mind that I was Tsr of a block of over 60 units for nearly a decade (with a committee of between 5 and 7) and after some years decided not to re-contest as I had other matters in my life to deal with.
Naturally he had the lot he was batting for (who wanted 2 seats) in his pocket, so with his vote and the two seniors: the vote was 4:1.
Oddly, from that AGM onwards I recall he always asks me before the meeting takes place if I have a recording device with me. Once I brought a friend to the meeting and Mr Secretary grilled my friend with the same question, in addition to inspecting my friend’s very large key ring for possibly a minute recording device.
As to your point on numbers on the SC: Mr Secretary begins discussion at the AGM on the topic asking who wants to be on the SC. At the 11/2020 AGM three hands went up via a ZOOM meeting – Mr Secretary, Madam Chair and me. He then asks “how many people should we have on the SC” and volunteers “2” and we vote on that number. 4 support a 2 member SC. I object and ask for 3 members on the SC. We vote and I alone support 3 members. We then vote on which 2 of the 3 nominees will go on to the SC. Naturally I alone voted for myself.
I found it quite disturbing that while all 5 owners were to independently join the AGM via ZOOM, presumably from their own abodes, Mr Secretary arranged to have the 2 seniors sit with him at the meeting, held in the home of one senior. The seniors seemed overly compliant with Mr Secretary.