
    How did this strata manager get appointed (if its recent)?

    Does the rest of the committee agree with you that the SM performance is below par.

    Read the management contract. See if there are provisions to sack them (if thats what you want) In any case, if other committee members agree with you, send a letter signed by the committee putting them on notice. Be specific with what you want improved. Give them time to improve (say a month) and if there is no improvement you may seek to have a court sack them for breach of contract. And keep any records of correspondance and communications and lack of replies as evidence.

    I have found that particularly with the large strata management companies, the person handling your building is inexperienced and  their main job is to do as little as possible and charge as much schedule B fees as possible. They also manage far more buildings than is humanly possible to do. And they get paid very little.

    It sounds like the choice of strata manager was not a good one.