
    Jimmy, the folk Mr Secretary wanted to put on the committee own one lot jointly. Your point “Co-owners of the same lot cannot be on the committee at the same time “ is correct. Mr Secretary, a lawyer of 30 years plus standing with a deep interest in strata affairs pretended not to know the law and addressed the motion as though it was another insignificant procedural matter. He acted very chummy with the seniors: “the more on the committee the better, no”? seemed to be his cunning attitude in promoting this outrage. When I made clear to the seniors that he is breaking the law by doubling the voting entitlements of one lot to the detriment of them, the seniors, I had to repeat myself given their  memory problems. I did not know that it was illegal for one lot to have multiple representatives on a committee and I was alone in initially opposing Mr Secretary’s outrage (which I thought MAY be allowed, he is after all a lawyer he keeps reminding the OC) but I said that it stands to logic that irrespective of how many reps a lot can have on a committee, in total the reps cannot have more than one vote. I said that I would not oppose the motion so long as the lot in question’s two reps would have half a vote each. And if they brought a third person I indicated again I would not object so long as the one vote for that lot would be split again, this time to one third of a vote each.

    The seniors finally saw the light.

    Mr Secretary did as you would expect. Accepted his shenanigan had hit a brick wall and dropped the matter.