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Kaindub, thanks again for your feedback.
You may have misread my post.
You wrote: I understand that the committee consists of two people from the same lot.
Not quite. It is two people but from 2 separate lots. Pls see my explanation as to the attempt to foist onto the committee multiple reps from the one lot, in my most recent email.
You wrote: You nominated for the committee but the OC voted to have only 2 members.
I nominated myself as did Mr Secretary and Madam Chair. Three nominees.
Mr Secretary then asked how many folk do we want on the committee. I said “3”. We voted and I alone voted for 3. He then moved for a committee of “2”. I voted against. He, the Chair, another senior and a new owner sided with Mr Secretary. I mean, why wouldn’t they? He is very assertive with the seniors and the new owner is no doubt influenced by him more than anyone else they have met in the building. After all, he surely informed them of his 30 year tenure as Secretary, as a sign of his importance.
After it was settled that the committee would have 2 members, we voted on which 2 persons would be on the committee. No prizes for guessing that Mr Secretary got his way and the 2 SC members who have been on the SC for years, him and the senior woman, were re-elected.
You wrote: If you cant convince the committee and strata manager of their errors, take this to NCAT, You may also want to consider asking to have the solicitor removed by NCAT from the committee for the lack of knowledge of the act.
Kaindub, if I went to NCAT I would not argue that he lacks knowledge of the Act, but that he behaved as far as I can see in a manner that does not rise to the level of honesty. He knows the Act inside out.
Let me say that if I went to NCAT, assuming I had all my ducks in a row, I will certainly give y’all a heads up of the date, venue and time.