
    If I may suggest, you need to spell out more facts if you want clear answers.

    One of the facts spelled out is that the Flatchatter is a tenant.

    You write “necessary” renovation. Why “necessary”?

    This is irrelevant.  For whatever rason, the unit owner conducted a renovation that made the unit effectively uninhabitable for several days.  That is the point of the question.

    Was there a problem with say the pipes in the wall, the damage caused to your bathroom needed repairs, if so that would therefore be an Owners’ Corp responsibility. Was it not “urgent”, but just cosmetic? And the owner wanted to do it now? If so, then it was not really “necessary”.

    Again, not really relevant.  The issue is between the tenant and the landlord, not the tenant and the owners corp.

    And of course there is my experience with NCAT: a neighbour renovated, caused my tenants problems (noise and dust), my tenants complained to NCAT seeking compensation FROM ME and they won.

    And that would be becasue it is your responsibility as a member of the Owners Corproation to make sure your tenants can either enjoy their rental properly or be compensated for it.  Tenants have very little power when it comes to dealing with other owners or the owners corproation.  That’s your responsibility.

    However, that NCAT ruling meant you had a figure to take to the other owner to demand compensation for your loss. A compensation figure that had been established at the Tribunal represents considerable leverage.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.