
    Kaindub wrote

    Where was the OC in regulating this renovator? Surely the approval of what seemed to be a major renovation should have come with conditions (hours of work, dust, noise, clean up etc). It would then be up to the OC to enforce this.

    Was approval by the renovator ever sought?

    In my case the renovator sought and rcvd approval for the works and worked regular business hours, making a lot of noise and dust as you would expect.

    A couple of weeks before  he started the renovation, BTW I was not told when he would start, one of the two tenants started working from home. The renovations meant she could not do so peacefully.

    My tenants were also bitter about not being able to sublet via Air B&B. “After all” they said, “who wants to live with the noise”? I reminded them that enriching themselves via subletting on Air B&B violates their NSW residential lease agreement. I had to go separately to NCAT to win that point.