
    It seems logical to give tenants keys to those parts of the common property to which they are entitled and to which giving the keys will make YOUR life easier, say the meter room. After all, if there is a problem with the water or power getting in to the unit, do you really want to be the only one with the key and to be bothered to come over to the unit to open up the meter room so that the problem can be attended to by the water or power company? And to go when the tenants say is convenient to them? After all, the technician/tradesman will need access to the unit as well.

    As to gardener’s shed, I assume the gardenerĀ  acts and is directed by the strata committee and it makes sense that keys are closely held by the strata committee and not shared with every owner (at least I would hope so), let alone shared with every tenant. In such a case I would argue the tenants have no business involving themselves with the shed and hence no legitimate reason for a key.