
    I am on the EC committee and being a ‘compliance check’ nazi would be a futile exercise. I can only rely on the Certificate of Compliance that the SM has on file, certifying the task was completed as mandated by legislation, as sufficient that the OC is covered in the case of a mishap.

    I can only draw your attention to Section 118 of the Act that says the OC “must ensure” the locks are in place.  An outdated compliance certificate isn’t going to do that.

    Perhaps you could institute a by-law that says, once a year or at achange of occupant,  owners must provide date-stamped pictures of the lock in place.  Failure to do so will result in the OC seeking orders to enter and inspect, with all costs sheeted back to the non-compliant owners.

    And if you think that’s far-fetched, energy companies use date-proven pictures of meter readings all the time.

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