David Ng

    The committee has many tasks and maintenance is always contentious.

    The best way to be informed is to be involved. And if you’re positively involved then you’ll have a greater say.

    By this I mean not arguing every point or being the wet blanket whenever something is proposed. If there is something you’re not happy with, raise it in such a way that your alternative is viable, and addresses the matter at hand.

    So attend AGMs and every other meeting that may be held. Maybe even run for Committee if you’re prepared to work hard. You might even be able to suggest how to get other members of the Owner’s Corporation to listen to communications using your experience.

    And remember that you’re a member of the Owner’s Corporation so you have a say. even more importantly you have the right (and responsibility) to listen.

    If the painter is delayed and has to return, your funds will pay for it, so save your money, get involved and get results.