
    Being on the committee of three strata, and having owned strata property for almost 4 decades, here is my take to your question.

    Even the best strata manager does not live in your building. They depend on the residents to report any maintenance issues. Make sure you have a strata manager who responds promptly to repair requests. Make it so that he doesn’t need to consult the committee to get a repair done (that requires that the OC is in a good financial position). Once residents are confident they can report a repair and see it repaired, they’ll be inclined to do it for even the small things.

    Make sure you have an active committee that can work with the strata manager. Only a minority of owners attend general meetings and even fewer nominate for the committee. If you see that things need to be done, nominate yourself for the committee. I got a lot done in one block with me and one other (inexperienced) person. It’s the attitude, not the knowledge that makes changes.

    Make sure the admin fund can handle the unexpected expenses. Make sure the capital works fund is well funded and don’t be afraid to spend CWF money in order to replace old items. I have never had a problem with putting up levies if I show owners a plan (of how their money will be spent.

    Look for the shiniest apartment block in your street. That’s where they have an engaged committee.

    Look for the daggiest building in your street. That’s the one where no one cares.