
    Hi Jimmy

    The committee discussed legal advice after we had left the meeting, agreed that we alone would be responsible for costs and recorded that in their minutes. The building plan shows the Lots with car space and storage area – hence creating rules to restrict it would be highly improper. We believe that any restrictions relating to the fire sprinkler system were not sufficiently researched or clarified, especially now that we’ve looked into it ourselves. The issue, which has existed for several years, appears to have led to confusion, poor decisions and even prejudice. The company charged with carrying out the annual fire safety inspections, has thrown oil on the fire by outlining why they can justify certain types of storage to be acceptable but won’t explain why other types of storage aren’t. We obviously need to be careful that we don’t install anything that would cancel the fire safety certification and then the building insurance. Difficult to do with the information that we can get.

    We sure feel extremely unpopular just because we challenged their stance, though it was necessary. If the Strata Manager had cautioned the committee about the risk of overreaching, we would be feeling less vulnerable.