
    Two grounds to support your case.

    If the previous committee approved that the OC pay for the waterproofing, you went ahead in good faith. The new committee in this case can’t just reverse the previous decision, since as you point out you would have taken a different course of action. This point is not a strata issue but a civil court would generally find in your favour.

    On the second Avenue, we had a similar thing happen in one of our buildings where the strata manager told the owner that a repair was OC responsibility. It turned out not to be the case, but the OC wasn’t able to recover the money from the owner. The issue being that the owner was not told that subject to a report from the plumber they may be liable.

    We are careful now to spell out to owners that subject to the report from the tradie, the OC may not be responsible.

    Tricky area. Stand your ground but be prepared for a fight.