
    ‘Thank you for the reply.

    Yes it is the original bathroom.

    When the  plumber tested, it was leaking from recess on internal wall side  of shower recess,  due to defective waterproofing,  and hence damage to adjoining Bedroom, my recently installed robe is swollen as melamine constructi0n and carpet is wet and mouldy, and bed wall will need repainting due to moisture- my insurer had been out prior to plumbers viewing, and their report was remove  robe and carpet and replace due to mould and water damage,  and repaint wall, – my insurer obviously declined my claim upon receipt of plumbing report stating waterproofing defective and wall tiles even cracking due to moisture underneath them,  so hence I just feel its OC responsibility  to rectify more than recess as they have accepted liability,  and if this waterproofing did not leak my contents would not be damaged, whether it is an internal wall or not.   They have sent out trades to quote repair, so not sure if they just will go the cheapest quote or I have a choice, but as it is my first time owning property its all new to me, I just am so frustrated that it could be left to me to be out of pocket and something I cannot honestly afford as it more than just be the shower recess and one row of tiles to be fixed,  the whole walls will need drying out, waterproofing, and tiled again to have a usuable shower again.

    Will OC usually be forthcoming in giving me their insurer details,  so I can see if I can lodge a claim with them