

    Thanks for responding.

    It was just a membrane before but the type that is painted on in a liquid form. This left me with a smooth concrete surface. It was not un attractive a soft light grey colour, gentle under foot. I believe this  committee had taken up the original tiles long before I had bought the property and not replaced them. This type of membrane  is about to be used  on other surfaces on the building . The membrane they have just installed on my lot is  not  any where else on the building, just my lot.

    The deck is part of my lot but the membrane is Common property. I pay levies for the area. The OC were Ordered to  replace the membrane for failure to maintain it. The rest of the lot roof terrace is tiled. I did not expect them to tile it but I did expect a smooth surface which is what I had before and a membrane that was residential not industrial for maintenance traffic only. The membrane they have installed is usually seen on the roof of  a building not the deck of a residential lot. It cannot be tiled over. It is a torch on.

    I was not referring to any Australian standard specifically, I was looking for some kind of regulation  to  stop a trip hazard being left on my lot.  We had to hold the OC to BCA and Australian standard codes to get the work done properly. The works were appalling , not warrantied by the builder who was instructed by the committee, did not stop the leaks and did not comply  to the orders. We could not find a code any where that stops an OC from giving a lot owner an un even  surface on their lot, that they cannot use. If I choose to cover this myself I will be forced to take a bylaw for a membrane I do not think will hold up. I will be forced to build some kind of deck that will adjust to the uneven levels, it will be a huge expense which I should not have to bear. It would need to be attached to common property.

    I hope this helps and thanks again for answering my letter
