
    Every time I see cat-food on the pavement, I always see cockroaches, ants, flies, midges, slugs, centipedes, rats, mice, snails, ibis and ravens eating the cat-food. Very rarely do I see cats eating cat-food on the pavement. Further, cats who receive free food never bother to hunt rats or mice. Only starving cats hunt.

    The term “cat-feeders” is false, misleading and deceptive. I call these people RAT-feeders.

    RAT-feeders (who believe they are feeding cats but in fact, creating a pest nuisance) are organized into a charitable society/ association. They receive significant taxation benefits, generous public donations and probably huge Government grants.

    Creation of a PEST problem and spreading of dangerous diseases that pose a danger to public health. Therefore, their activities are a misuse of charitable funds. Their activities are not a charitable purpose.

    We should altogether complain to the NSW Premier and ACNC (Australia’s Charity Commissioner).

    Once Government funding is cut off, the charitable society/ association is deregistered, and its mischievous trustees are blacklisted (so they cannot set up another charitable society/ association). I believe this menace can be considerably reduced.

    The question is: WHAT is the name of the charitable society/ association whose members are abusing their privileges by harassing us, the general public ?