
    First, let’s establish some facts. Is the storage facility common property or lot property?  If it’s lot property, does the owner know or care?

    If it’s common property, it’s easy.  You put a notice on the storage room saying they are abandoned goods and, under the terms of the Uncollected Goods Act (1995) the owner has seven days (or 14 or whatever you choose) to remove them or they will be removed by the committee, and may be sold, given to charity or stored in commercial storage at the owners expense.

    If you know who the storage thief is, you send the notice to them. Do not give into any threats of legal action or whatever. The only appropriate response to that kind of bullying in “bring it on”.

    If the area is unused common property, consider leasing it to the storage thief on favourable terms (maybe 50 percent of the going rate for commercial storage locally).

    If the storage is a privately owned store, then the lot owner can deal with it themselves, possibly using the same methods.

    On the question of the security camera, that could be hard to prove and therefore hard to take action over.  Of course, if there was a second security camera …

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