
    One person replied that he knew of no Government grant. A rat-feeder personally assured me that his charity was very well funded with large Government grants, tax breaks and public donations – all illegal.

    I am that person. So what’s illegal?  They get tax breaks because they are a charity clearly doing charitable works unlike, say, a private school, which is a business designed to turn out entitled pricks who come out thinking they should run the country (because they probably will).  Or a religion?

    Regarding the grants, if you take the Cat Protection Society of NSW, I was only aware of the state grant of $15,500 and I didn’t know about  the $257,000 Commonwealth grant. Big deal – a drop in their ocean.

    But if you want some facts (because that’s what we deal with here), have a look at their annual report for 2019-2020. They’ve been doing pretty tough through Covid, while their cats have been offering comfort and companionship to a lot of isolated people.

    And if you are really complaining about cats being on the street, why are you accusing a charity that gets them off the street of acting illegally?

    Admit it, you just don’t like cats.

    Enjoy your chillies.


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