
    My first impression is that the offender in question is selfish and not as you suggest, “stupid”.  As I see it, the offender is interfering with the common property (being the camera) and interfering with another lot’s lawful use of a storage unit. The following comes to mind …

    I have had conflicting thoughts over your post and at one point considered binning it completely.  My main problem is that you start with an interpretation of the law which is not strictly correct, then there’s the fact that you are quoting law that may be relevant in some regards but not in others.

    For instance, you have intepreted Section 153 to include loud music as a “nuisance”. That is not part of strata law and the word “nuisance”, in strata law, does not mean merely something that is annoying.  Quoting the law on interference with provision of services is also not relevant.

    I am not a lawyer but I would think the solution to this would lie in Section 6 of the Act which deals with common property and the ability for the owners corporation to  licence its use to owners.

    Telling other users to follow a course of action based on a false premise is very dangerous and for that reason I initially deleted this post.  I have reinstated it to show you and other users where you have erred, in my opinion.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.