
    Someone correct me if I am wrong, but as I understand it, owners of lots cannot be restricted in their short term (AB&B) rentals by the OC.

    If that is so, and a lot owner renting out his lot in full (ie he is not on the premises), surely whatever parking rules he lives under are those that should regulate how his guest/s will live under. If he is subject to heavy penalties or clamping for transgressing than surely his “guests” would be too. If he is not, then surely his guests should not be.

    As an aside, I understand from a discussion with a lawyer that owners should not feel comforted necessarily by a strata’s collection of by laws including a by law that seems to meet an owner’s needs.

    This is because there is nothing compelling a Strata Committee (SC) from enforcing any by law.

    And in many cases, given the dominance and sway a SC has over others, the OC if taking part in a general meeting to decide on enforcing a by law, will often ape the SC’s views.