
    Our AGM in a Sydney block of 42 is coming up. Myriad problems exist here, in my view, ranging from lack of transparency, lack of probity, pet-projects, apathy of owners, faceless and rusted on Strata Committee, Strata Manager who acts like a gate-keeper and does sweet F A…

    I may be crazy but this seems like deja vu.  I have read this quote so many times, in a variety of posts on this site around this exact time of year, and not just from this user. It seems to be a recurring problem.

    My advice would be to join the committee yourself. I am always baffled why so many people complain about strata committees and throw the word transparency around, but do not bother to throw their name into the ring and join the committee and seek to actively change it themselves. Especially those that have been around a long time and know how things work.

    However I’m no expert and believe the best advice you left until last, Jimmy. “If you don’t have the support of other owners, don’t waste your time and energy pursuing this”.

    I would love to hear how this went Mountains?