
    To clarify:

    1. I like dogs;
    2. Others in the complex have not complained because the dog’s immediate neighbours are tenants who have no idea of their rights and are shy of bothering their landlords;
    3. I do not live in the complex and saw and heard the dog when I visited a tenant to do some gardening;
    4. The dog does not bark 24/7 but barks enough to send one tenant into the street to make phone calls;
    5. I am pro-pet, but I don’t like the multiple hurdles thrown in my way and in the way of another ownersby the SC when we inquired about a potential tenant of ours wanting a pet. We were given forms to fill in with multiple questions and were informed that the SC has 14 days to render an opinion. No such hurdles were positioned when the tenant of an SC member moved a dog in. I base that comment on the replies of SC members who when I brought the matter up denied any knowledge of any pet in the complex and of any application for a pet.