
    Government is introducing laws to prevent charities from misusing funds (eg, giving free catfood to litterbugs to create pest problem).

    Is the government (which government??) really bringing in laws to specifically prevent charities from giving cat food to “litterbugs”?  Or is this merely an extension of your thinking? That’s to say, some charities are helping feral cats therefore all charities should be curbed by government to make sure cat protection societies are caught in the net?

    If so inclined, Flatchatters should feel free to contact the listed “misguided” organisations and individuals to express their support for efforts to push back against attempts to limit what and how charities can operate.

    Ask the litterbugs which charity is helping them. Lodge a complaint with Fair Trading in your State/Territory and ACNC. Lodge a police complaint when you are threatened with assault for cleaning the mess. Keep photos and log of dates/times/locations of littering.

    Extreme actions tend to engender extreme reactions. Over-zealous and exaggerated campaigning tends to be dismissed as obsessive and possibly even malicious.

    Just saying … there’s more than one way to skin a cat.


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