
    … the initial terms of access to the loans is that you must have your property assessed by a Government appointed assessor… and these will not be appointed until September 2021.

    Whilst we wait we are being forced via a City of Sydney Fire Order to have our cladding project proceed along their (City of Sydney) notified timeline … doesn’t seem to be any way of moving our application forward on an urgent basis.

    This arrived today from a Fair Trading spokesperson:

    • Project Remediate will assess the eligibility of each building that registers interest and inform the owners corporation directly. Around 214 buildings are already known to be eligible based on assessments by the NSW Cladding Taskforce. If necessary we will ask the Cladding Taskforce to assess individual buildings and determine their eligibility. This is not dependent on the appointment of any assessors.
    • We are working closely with each local council to establish processes for the management of fire safety orders. We will liaise with the council for each registered building and seek to reach a suitable arrangement to allow the owners corporation to comply with any orders.
    • We encourage owners to contact us via projectremediate@customerservice.nsw.gov.au to discuss the circumstances of any particular building.

    Hope that helps


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