
    The strata manager could be correct.

    Remember that your lot is defined as the inner space between the external walls, and the inner space between the ceiling and the floor.

    Pipework in internal walls is the lot owner responsibility.

    Pipework in external walls is OC responsibility.

    Whilst it may grate on you, the approach you are taking is probably the most expedient.

    The OC is only required to maintain and repair common property. That does not extend to making it better, even if the initial construction was questionable. Surely you want your bathroom to be a better standard and more functional.
    You can battle it out with the OC, but in the mean time you don’t have a bathroom.
    If you feel you need to pursue this I suggest thst you take lots of high quality photographs before, during and after your renovation.

    Also get reports prepared by a building consultant. Your local plumber is not suitable as they are not used to preparing reports as expert witnesses . If your plumber is challenged in a court, they are likely to be discredited and not help your case.

    My daughter renovated a strata bathroom two years ago. Peeling back the finishes revealed a multitude of sins. She decided the easiest course of action was to pay for the repairs herself rather than have a protracted fight with the OC. She now has a bathroom to her taste and the memory of the renovation is long forgotten