
    Thank you for your reply JT.

    M4 is not a co-owner ” (M4 is not on the title and was nominated by an owner).” and was nominated by another owner under

    Section 31 (1) (d) our strata manager declared that nomination is valid.

    I believe that there is no special resolution. As above …

    “The day before the rescheduled #2 meeting (M1), (M2) and (M3 now living in Bris.) had a meeting and were all to resign and to go to an EGM and declare the committee disbanded.

    The three had called a Strata Committee Meeting on the 23rd of June 2021, members (M4 and M5) were never notified of the meeting, there was no Agenda, and the meeting was not posted on the Noticeboard.

    Should this alone not be cause to call the EGM invalid? Further, when M3 declared that he was selling up and moving they suggested that he stay on until a replacement could be found. They said no replacement was forth coming. M4 and M5 had two that would have taken his place and are still willing to stand up.

    As for M4 and M5 saying that “they will not nominate again” I’m sure that they will. They are elderly and have a good life style, they have offered to take 12 months on the committee. They are tech savvy and many owners are backing their agenda. As for the “oligarchy” they don’t have that many (75%) left.