
    Im not keen on it so Im wondering whether this would be classed as a ”significant alteration” to the common property? I think it would be.

    I know many OCs in Victoria that have installed CCTV and it’s not been considered a ”significant alteration”.   The OC Act defines it more clearly in s.52:  “An owners corporation must not make a significant alteration to the use or appearance of the common property”.

    CCTV doesn’t much alter the use or appearance of common property at all, let alone “significantly”. If a committee existed, it alone could approve it.  Else an ordinary resolution of the OC should be enough.

    There are actually very few legal privacy issues:  some required signage, no sound recording and no observing private (lot) areas.

    I agree about deciding on the footage access etc.  The OC should establish how that will be done.