
    I’m more alarmed at the idea that there are some documents that are only available to the committee.  Owners are entitled to see all records and correspondence by and with the committee, with the exception of correspondence between the committee and their lawyers regarding a case between them and an owner (and even then, I don’t think that has been tested in court).

    To give an example, in my building there was a very nasty legal case between the committee and an employee, the record of which was “sealed” by the court.  However, owners were allowed to view the sealed document (albeit under strictly controlled circumstances) as they were effectively party to the case since the committee had been representing them.

    That said, in this case mediation might be the way to go although if the records geuinely don’t exist because they have been lost or destroyed, there’s not much anyone can do about it.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.