
    This is a tricky one as it’s hard to argue against work that’s being done to improve the safety of the entire building.

    I would go back to your rental agent and tell them that unless they make a genuine effort (probably via the landlords)  to get the owners corp to limit the duration and frequency of noisy work during the lockdown,  you are going to take them to NCAT to force them to reduce your rent or allow an early termination of your tenancy with no penalties attached.

    Also, you are going to contact every other tenant in the building and suggest they do the same.

    This means, of course, that you won’t get your tenancy renewed when it comes up next but you don’t want to live there anyway.  If you’re planning to move, now would be the time to do so when  rental market availability is up and rents are low.

    By the way, your landlords probably don’t even know you have complained – rental agents are very good at doing nothing, especially when it means they can keep telling their clients that everything is hunkydory.

    The sad fact of issues like this is that if you were an owner, you could get building management to tell the contractors to limit all their noisy work to certain concentrated periods.  But because you are a tenant and the rental agent doesn’t care and the landlord probably doesn’t know, simple solutions aren’t even considered.

    Contact the Tenants Union  for advice on how to get the landlord to make the calls that could fix this or at least limit it.


    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.