
    As most of us know, NCAT members can rule differently on the same matter. You mention Member Vrabac.

    For what it’s worth, I have been to NCAT a few times (mostly about consumer issues but also strata) and remember some of the Members who presided over my cases.

    I recall two in a favourable light inasmuch as they were very fair, extremely attentive to details and were – from the point of view of a layman like me – as Americans are fond of saying, as honest as the day is long (i.e. they were very honest). I remember in the case which I won, my opponent at the time (a corporation) did not appeal the Member’s decision, presumably because they could not find he made any errors. (Others may  argue that they did not appeal because the time and money spent appealing exceeded the sum for which they were found liable).

    Member Vrabac is one that I recall favourably, so I would hold his judgement in high regard.