
    However I think you need to look at the wording of the bylaw.

    Well, that sent me off looking for standard Comuunity Title by-laws for SA and according to this page in the Law Services Commission (SA) Handbook, there are none”

    “Unlike the Strata Titles Act 1988 (SA), the Community Titles Act 1996 (SA) does not include a standard set of by-laws. The Community Titles Act 1996 (SA) requires developers of community schemes to draft individual by-laws (Community Titles Act 1996 (SA) ss 12, 34) which reflect the nature of the particular scheme . The by-laws must cover the administration, management and control of the common property; must regulate the use and enjoyment of common property; and must regulate the use and enjoyment of community lots to give effect to the scheme description .”

    Maybe BobT77 could send us a copy of his scheme’s.


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