
    What body made the ruling/decision that only C/tee members can access invoice payments etc & why? It is the owners money & in the owners interest to know EXACTLY who is being paid for what.

    In very simple terms it is the owners collectively who have made that decision in accepting the terms of the software usage supplied by the strata manager.

    You can always propose at your next AGM that there may be more open access to financial information than the Hub currently provides, be the software may not allow it, the strata manager may charge more for it, and the other owners (as a majority) may not want it.

    There are other platforms like our sponsors StrataBox that allow a more detailed view of invoicing and payments, but even then I think the default is to allow detailed information to only be available to committee members, and you must have OC agreement to change that setting.

    You are entitled to view the details of all transactions for and by the OC, but that doesn’t mean on a day-to-day basis.

    If you think there is something untoward happening, it really doesn’t cost that much to get access to all the information held by the strata managers on the owners corp behalf, and which they must by law provide (albeit under controlled circumstances).

    If you find evidence of the misuse of funds, at the very least you can use that as an argument for making sure the current strata committee is not re-elected at the next AGM.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.