
    Unfortunately the act does not provide any legal sanctions for such behaviour.

    Has the committee had a talk with this person? I suspect that as you mention that they are bullies, it’s probably going to fall on deaf ears.

    Perhaps work out why this person is behaving this way. Bullying is usually the result of other issues. Maybe they just want to be important.

    Point out to this person thst the only person(s) allowed to communicate the official strata message is the secretary or the strata manager. You could threaten them with reporting them to the privacy commissioner as they are using private information (addresses and emails) for spamming owners.

    Finally, be vigilant. Every time this person sends a communication, send out immediately a message saying to disregard this persons message. You can have acstandard message preprepared. Do it every time and hopefully the miscreant will tire of his game and eventually cease.