
    I had an answer already for this … then I realised it was in Tassie. Honestly, I think the only way you are going to speed this up is for the objector to withdraw her objections or to call for a general meeting of all owners and have her outvoted.

    Right now, I would be contacting an experienced  strata lawyer if you can find one or you could start with the government’s free legal advice service.

    You should also have a look a the Guide to Strata Living in Tasmania but I don’t have a lot of faith in an organsiation that can’t work out how to insert a new page in a PDF documant.

    But perhaps the easiest way is to take a deposit from the buyer, repayable if the permission for the air-con doesn’t go through.  You can only hope that having a a little Hitler on the committee doesn’t put them off buying.

    Finally, you could get a lawyer to write to the backslider to warn her that you will seek full restitution if the a/c is allowed but the sale falls through, or you incur any substantial costs  due to her recalcitrance.

    Worth a try.

    By the way, if this was NSW, you could push the air-con through as a minor renovation provided it was reverse cycle as (as found out recently) is considered environmantally beneficial.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.