
    Going to offer an alternative view to JT.

    Any person at the meeting can ask who is eligible to vote at the meeting . That would require the chair to declare all proxies received.

    The proxy form is a legal document. Therefore it needs to be correctly filled out. That means the lot owners name needs to match the strata roll, as the lot number also. If there are two or more owners, all need to be listed and sign.

    The strata manager can’t alter any proxy, even if he knows it’s incorrectly done. That’s because the person(s) signing the document don’t know what has been altered.

    For the corporate owner, the signatory should be the company secretary. In company law, unless there is an officer specifically appointed to sign documents, the secretary has that function.

    As for signatures. There are many people who have illegible signatures. You have to accept what is provided. If it does become contentious, you would need to compare the signature on the proxy with a signature that’s verified as the person named. I don’t know how you would do that short of a court order.

    Before you get too carried away, do the simple sums and work out whether the vote would be overturned if the proxies were discounted. There’s no point in winning the battle and losing the war.