› Flat Chat Strata Forum › Strata Committees › Call for horror stories due to owners not being involved › Current Page
Almost every post on the Flat Chat forum pertains to problems with owners not being adequately involved. If you want horror stories just read through some of them! What you really need are some suggestions to remedy your dysfunctional OC. In many cases money talks, so prepare a schedule of issues in your complex costing owners money though non-action i.e non payment of levies, as well as quotes and recommendations (perhaps from a legal firm in the case of levies) for a remedy. Circulate the schedule. Then see if anything transpires from there. Sounds like your complex needs an agitator for change and you are the likely one. If you think the Strata Manager is a slacker, then get some quotes from other agencies and move a motion at the next AGM to change management. Even if the motion to change managers isn’t passed, your present manager may lift their game and improve performance. Why not firstly have a conversation with your present manager about your issues of concern and see if they are in your corner over these?