
    The obvious question that occurs to me is, although the original owner owns half the lots, does he own more than half the Unit Entitlements.

    If so, his voting power should have been reduced by two-thirds and that may be grounds for going to NCAT to have that last AGM election declared invalid and a new election held.

    Also, was proper procedure for the election  followed as per Section 9 of the Strata Regulations?

    And finally, you don’t need to wait for the one-man committee or the strata manager to do something about the tenant.  You and other owners can take action at NCAT for breaches of by-laws or you can even take actions against the committee for failure to enforce the block’s by-laws.

    But you will need to get the support of at least two more owners if you want to pursue this, otherwise you will still be outvoted when it comes to the election.

    I strongly recommend you contact our sponsors Strata Answers and ask how they might be able to guide you through this mess.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.