
    Just makes things hard for self managed SPs and adds costs to SPs who like to be hands on to keep costs down.

    Agreed.  I’m running a self-managed strata plan in NSW. Last June, I travelled into the CBD and lodged the form myself.  Cost $146.40.

    I completed an additional “Conveyancing Rules Exemption form” to confirm that this transaction was on a list which could be waived from electronic lodgement. (See point 23 on the list).

    The lodge-it-yourself method will be replaced by “electronic lodgement network” from 11 October 2021.

    Our only choice will be to use a company who will add an extra fee! This isn’t progress. We’re going backwards.

    Jimmy, I used the form you linked.  At that time, it wasn’t possible for me to lodge it electronically.

    For anyone interested, the office needs to see the Certificate of Title for the strata plan.  I numbered the pages of the form, appended by-laws, appended minutes of meeting which passed the by-laws.

    conversion of WORD –> PDF:  use the “Export” option in the File menu.

    conversion of PDF –> WORD:  I keyed in the whole thing by hand.

    Apologies if the formatting is off. I haven’t used HTML in ages.