
    Is our strata agents just lying to us so they can collect the $900 for every extra general meeting we hold? Or is the QLD strata laws just that rediculous.

    Have a look here at this Qld government web page;  the standard limit on works not requiring general meeting approval is $200 per unit.

    The relevant limit for committee spending (i.e. how much money a committee can spend) can be set by ordinary resolution of the body corporate (i.e. a motion voted on by the owners at a general meeting). There is no minimum or maximum limit that the body corporate can set.

    If no amount is set by a general meeting resolution the relevant limit is calculated by multiplying the number of lots in the scheme by $200.

    So, to save that $900 every time you want to approve repairs, just set a reasonably high limit at your next AGM. The $900 fee for running an AGM for 15  units seems a bit on the high side IMHO.  Do you really need them to be involved at all?

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.