
    Kaindub, you make a good point about the DA.

    Independent of Whoopi asking the OC to file a DA, I  suggest that Whoopi chat to council officers, in person if possible and take with her a photo of the relevant matters i.e. her car parked in its place showing just how tight a fit it is to manvouvre between the car and the door to the said room.

    Ask council officers:

    a) If converting the room into one where meetings will be held on a regular basis will cause a fire hazard? Emphasise the restricted space allowing for entry/exit from that room, as your car is parked there most of the day, every day.

    b) If converting the room will result inadequate ventilation causing health issues? Of course if it causes health issues, the OC, if it remains wedded to the idea of conversion, may be happy to spend money to rectify this by installing an a/c unit;

    c) If such a conversion is a breach of planning legislation.

    I mention this because the more you know before raising the fight to the next level, the better for you.