
    Your situation reminds me of mine. Not that a family is running the show in my case, but that one owner has convinced a few others that he is the best thing to have happened to the strata and over the years has whittled down the committee from 5 i.e. one rep from each lot, to just 2. Him and his echo.

    Jimmy mentions perhaps you can seek an order to have the committee’s numbers expanded, if that is possible.

    In the next little while I will be in Mediation with my OC and one of my claims is to expand the committee. I full well expect them to decline my claim at Mediation and will then go to NCAT, laser focused on how a committee of 2 does not serve the interests of everyone in the building.

    Should I win at Mediation or NCAT, I’ll happily return to this thread and share what transpired.

    One point of clarification please: you mention an outside strata manager. Do you mean to replace the one you have now? That is, do you have a manager or is it managed by the committee alone? Or do you mean you may at NCAT seek “compulsory strata management”?