
    It is very important to know who owns / controls the images recorded by those cameras. They could end up in the hands of paedophiles or used to work out what the hours when a home is unoccupied.

    Victorian Case Law: I googled “Victorian case law security camera VCAT” and navigated through to the following case:

    Mote V Eydlish VCAT REFERENCE: OC172/2010

    To find the above case, I typed “surveillance camera” in the search box in the top right of the screen.

    To find other past VCAT decisions, go to

    AustLib Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) 1998-

    I live in NSW. Our Owners Corp successfully applied to remove surveillance cameras which were installed without permission of the Owners Corporation. NSW also has a Surveillance Devices Act which forbids unauthorised recording of other people’s activities.