
    in my experience, owners who may agree with the fundamental point of a lower levy that fruitzebra makes, are unlikely to support it at an AGM without having enough time to consider it before the AGM.

    But they may never have time to consider it before an AGM if that’s when the budget is first sighted. So what do you do? Joint the committee, would be an answer – good luck with that.

    And as for “they could scare owners into falsely concluding that future capital works will be in jeopardy if the funds are not in the kitty, even if they will not be used for a while,” that’s a bit fanciful.

    Speak up at the AGM, fruitzebra, and don’t be put off by all this stuff about what people might think, what they might be scared of and how they might react.

    You are entitled to ask questions and expect answers – that’s what AGMs are for.  You might not win the argument but at least you and your neighbours will be better informed.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.