
    There is zero logic for saying on the one hand that you can’t have meetings in person than on the other saying owners must travel to their office to get material that could just as easily be sent by email.

    This is quite clearly a case of the strata manager trying to be obstructive.

    You could threaten them with a complaint to fair trading or even an application to Fair Trading and NCAT to have them removed if they don’t stop wielding the covid threat as and when it suits them.

    You bother should tell them to add the inspection fee ($31) to his levies and that will cover the cost of their tea-boy sending an email.

    Your brother has a legal right to see the records, they have a legal obligation to keep their clients and employees safe. And that adds up to no in-person meeting, no inspection at their office.

    And maybe he could suggest that they take a day off from being asses.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.