
    The agrrement is between the OC and the strata manager. Notwithstanding any other argument, it’s the responsibility of the OC to pay. There is no mechanism in the act to pass on any fees charged to the OC to an owner.

    Potential recovery only applies if the court orders the lot owner to pay costs, which requires a hearing in NCAT.

    There was no needs for you to abstain from voting. There was no conflict of interest, even if they were voting against your lot.

    If your strata manager and committee are behaving as you describe,you should consider getting both dismissed at NCAT. Even though they may not be happy with the situation with council, their duty is to act in a lawful manner, and in the best interests of the OC.

    The fact thst the committee got to a situation where the OC was fined could also expose them to having to compensate the OC.